Thursday, May 16, 2019

The museum

On Friday the 17th of May He Puna Pumamawa and He Puna Kawenga went to the museum. The first thing He Puna Pumamawa did was go into the star dome. We learnt the matariki contsalation  has 1000 stars but we can only see 6 or 7. We learnt that the blue stars are the young stars and the red and orange stars are the old stars There is a constalation called the toutoru it is three stars in a straight line the Puanga star is directly above toutoru we also leant that there is a poem about stars. The  museum was so fun.

                                       This is the poem: 
                       White and blue are young and new, 
                             red and gold are old and cold.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Growth mindset

In He puna pumanawa we have been talking about Growth mindsets so we decided to make some Growth mindset posters. My one says...If you quit once, it becomes a habit, so don`t quit.

Practical Learning

 For Practical learning last term we made hand stitched headphone bags. I ended up using a candy patterned material and for the plane materi...